litte Release

Hello community,

I was recommended by itch to write a dev log, but to be honest I don't really have much to do with game development, regardless of the platform, even though I used to work in that area.

So forgive me if everything isn't perfect.

I made a small Tetris clone with JavaScript because I wanted to experiment with JavaScript and it's my absolute favorite game.

As it was for me, I didn't think about playing offline until the family came and wanted to play it and it was all just "users."

So I kept "experimenting", made it more stable, rewrote a few things and distributed them, now I'm doing updates in the family ;)

But I thought that maybe other people would like to play it and since I'm not interested in selling the thing, others can have fun with it too.

If you want, I'll be happy to expand it little by little. I'm happy with everyone who plays it and has fun with it.

But please remember that it's currently in the early stages of development. It should run pretty well and not cause any problems. But please write to me if there are any, we can definitely fix them.

I don't need to write much about it for now. You can actually see most of it and you can play it too.

There will also soon be an online version and high score list where the high scores from online and offline lists can be updated on request.

thanks to everyone and a lot of fun :)


snTris Setup 0.0.1.exe 91 MB
47 days ago

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